
Wokeism is a Hateful Religion (Progressive Gospel | Part 2) - The False Gospel E6

Coastal Christian Ocean City Season 1 Episode 6

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In part 2 of the Progressive Gospel, Ethan Hoover & Matthew Maher discuss Critical Race Theory, the Social Justice Movement, and Climate Change, and how the progressive Church has joined hands with these ideologies.

What’s Covered in This Episode:

  • Progressive Gospel (Part 1) Recapped
    • Defining Terms
  • Critical Race Theory
    • Social Gospel
    • "It's just a Tool"
    • Critical Theory
    • Marxism
  • One Race: The Human Race
  • Racism: A Sin of the Heart
  • The Color of Skin vs. The Darkness of Sin
  • The Social Justice Movement
    • Social Justice vs. Biblical Justice
  • "Social Justice for the Christian is acting justly, but not at the expense of the truth of Scripture."
  • Jesus Breaks Down the Wall of Partition
    • Jews & Gentiles Become One: The Race of Grace (Christian)
  • Critical Race Theory (CRT) Further Explored
  • The Pure Gospel: Jesus Christ Unites - He Draws All People (Ethnos) to Himself
  • "Social Justice will choose Barabbas over Jesus every time."
  • Why is this the Problem of the Church?
  • What Does the Bible Say?
    • About: Race, Oppression, Justice, Etc.
  • The Good Samaritan
  • What the True Christian Should Be Doing...
    • Standing Up for Truth
    • Aiding/Assisting Their Neighbor (Everyone)
    • Pointing People to Jesus (the True Solution)
  • Climate Change, Environmentalism, & The Love of Mother Earth Rather Than the Love of Father God
  • General Revelation
  • The True Gospel's Main Focus is the Soul of Man
  • What Does this All Mean and Why Does it Matter?
  • Progressive Gospel (Part 3) Teased Out


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You are listening to research, a podcast aimed at instigating Christians to be Christian. Hey everyone, welcome back to read churched for another episode. My name is Ethan Hoover and I am joined by my co host, Matthew Mayer.

Ethan hoover:

What's up, man? Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining us. In this episode, we are continuing our discussion around the false gospel of progressivism and relativism, aka the progressive gospel. Last episode was a long, thorough conversation. Last episode, we defined a lot of terms. Matthew is going to talk about that a little bit more. In this episode, we're going to talk about some specific doctrines. Is that right? Correct. All right, sweet. So if you're new to this podcast, before we dive into today's episode, we just want to say we're glad you're joining us. Feel free to go back and listen to the welcome episode and every other episode that followed that one up until this one around the false gospel, you can easily listen to random episodes if you wish, but you'll find our seasons work around a theme. And so a lot of points make more sense. If you go back and listen through. Again, make sure to subscribe and follow wherever you're podcasting, turn notifications on hit that bell, so that you're alerted when a new episode is live and enjoy today's show. Matt,


we talked about a lot last episode around the progressive gospel. And we didn't even get into the doctrines within that progressive gospel. But before we get into those, I think it's valuable to kind of just summarize, if at all possible,

Ethan hoover:

the terms that we defined and what we talked about


last episode. Yeah, so we took a lot of time defining terms, because I think by understanding these terms, and why it relates to Christianity, you will be able to pinpoint this progressive movement. And it's all in the name of God, and their conflicting worldviews in essence, so the lens by which you view the world if that is off, then of course, how you proceed in the name of God is going to be off. So we wanted to start the proper origin or destination, if it's the Bible, and God's creator, and we are the chief crown of his creation, and we are humans, but we're flawed because of sin. And God made a way for sin to be dealt with in Jesus Christ, His Son on the cross. And there's a real enemy out there, which means there's good and there's evil, I have to understand the context of good as God defines it evil, as God defines it. And ultimately, I turn to the Scriptures. And this is probably the hinge that turns progressive Christianity into liberalism, and biblical Christianity into let's just say conservatism, and I don't use those as political terms. I use them based on their definitions, there is absolute truth. So you can look at the Bible and determine that there is a good as God defines it, and there is an evil as God defines it. And I can't muddle the two, I can't marry the two I can't, in the name of progressivism times have changed culture has changed, get with the times that Bible's outdated. The things that were written about way back in the day aren't applicable to today. Come on, man, we got to reach people love your neighbor, and all in the name of not wanting to offend. So the progressive gospel bends bends to sinful man, as it offends a holy God.

Ethan hoover:

So instead of offending, they affirm, right? That's they don't want to offend anybody. Right? So that's their gospel is affirming everyone, right, not offending anyone, right. So in their goal of affirming everyone, we see certain tentacles arise that extend out of this progressive gospel. And they are the doctrines that we're going to look at today. The first being critical race theory,


critical race theory. It is related to what we would call social justice. It's related to what we would identify as a social gospel. And I think that this philosophy has undergird undergirded the progressive movement for a very long time. And nobody really even knew what it was until recently. It was these past two years where Christians were introduced to critical race theory, and what is called the social justice movement. So we're going to show you how these attempts at social reform that the Christian community has taken hold of is a religion, in and of itself, separate of biblical Chris Chianti, and it's a religion that looks a lot like a governmental construct, aka socialism. That's right.

Ethan hoover:

So you have a blend there happening, which is really interesting. It's a good way to put it because it sounds good, right? You look at society, it's it's broken, let's reform it, let's fix it. But we got to identify some, some problems, some targets to aim at. So what we have is, this is how the world would frame it. It's just a tool, Ethan, critical race theory is just a tool, and even the church can use this tool, it helps us identify some of the oppression that exists. And it's not just the tool back to our previous episode, it's a worldview. It's not just a tool to help me assess. It's a worldview by which I make determinations. So critical race theory is related to what is known as critical theory, Critical Theory frames all of human life through like you just said, a Marxist lens, Marxism, Marxist ideas create class wars, It pits people against one another based on variables and factors, identity, race, religion, gender, socio economic status, rather than ready, individual responsibility. So critical race theory, places people into two categories, you're either part of the oppressor group, you are an oppressor, or you are the oppressed. Now, that's the opposite of what the Bible says, notice, and we'll get to this, those two categories typically rise or fall, you're ready based on race. So you divide races. Now, interestingly, the Bible knows nothing of multiple races. Did you know that because God created the human race it that's the only race right? Now, there's other ethnicities, right? ethnos other types of peoples, but this worldview, places humans into two categories, again, the oppressor or the oppressed. And it obviously contradicts with God saying, You want two categories to place people in? How about first Adam sinners, and the last Adam, the Savior, that's Jesus? Those are the two categories. You're either sinning and you're a sinner, or you are saved and salvaged by the Savior, and you are regenerated. I think it's really interesting. Well, one, I have the definition of critical race theory pulled up here on from Britannica, let's go. But before I get there, I think all throughout Scripture, we see ethnicities being pitted against each other, but not in the way that we see it today. Today, it's a major issue. But in the Bible, it's never an issue that is majored on. It's always a minor issue, or a minor thing that kind of just supports the story as a whole. Right, as


you said, we've magnified and amplified race, in America in 2022, and previous, so of course, the more you focus on skin, color, and race, the more racist you are like, that's the sad irony of this whole thing you want to cut to the chase. Racism is a sin of the heart. And again, all of these doctrines from progressive Christianity are not going to deal with the heart. They're going to deal with the external. And there's beauty and diversity. Don't get me wrong, God created all types of peoples plural, all types of ethnicities. There's beauty and all of that. However, those aren't our Major qualifiers, external distinctions. Oh, no, no, the major qualifier, is the heart. So you are a sinner, part of the human race, or you accept Jesus as your Savior, and you are adopted into, I call it the race of grace, you become a child of God. And if we constantly look at the color of skin as opposed to the darkness of sin, of course, there's going to be this imbalance and this class war and these divisions in our world. Now, what's it got to do with the church? So how do we begin? How do we get recharged? Well, I'll tell you, we come back to Biblical thinking about all of this. Now, let's get back into some of this conversation. In the show notes. Probably about a year or two ago, Ethan, I did a message that literally dealt with defining social justice. So we'll include that I think that'll be very helpful to longer message. I look at the Bible as the lens to define justice. What does God say about it? And then we properly take what God says about justice, and we apply it to the world around us. Now you can call it social justice and go Yeah, we should be socially just and I would say yes and amen. However, not at the expense of the truth of Scripture. And I think this critical race theory, coupled with intersectionality, coupled with social justice warriors and the attempts to reform society by doing what overthrowing the power structures, and sad to tell are you buddy, but you across from me, you fit the primary mold of the oppressor, which means to do the work of social justice, you must first repent. Remember, I said as a religion earlier, you got to repent, dude, repent of what? Not your sin, repent of your color. That's what they're propagating in churches in progressive Christianity. You must repent for being a straight white male in America, you are the problem. And you saw videos after videos of white pastors getting on their knees, and apologizing. It's crazy. It's It's unfathomable. Yeah. And it's unbecoming of a pastor in my opinion, as well. Yeah, instead of preaching the gospel said, Hey, we want to, we want to deal with racism, which is real, by the way, oppression is real or 100, inequalities, real things that are unjust or real. The Bible speaks to all of that. However, if we don't deal with the sin of the heart, then it is just a waste of time.

Ethan hoover:

So the progressive gospel along that same thread, and and we'll get into this, the progressive gospel is affirming critical race theory and these these ideas that, oh, traditional Christianity, or the true gospel is a gospel that divides That's racist. That's right. However, Jesus is racist, yet. Yeah. Except for the fact that Jesus died, so that all could find him and all could be saved, no matter if you're white, black, red, yellow, purple.


That's right. Hank, he breaks down. The Bible says the wall of partition that separated those two categories from earlier Jews. And Greeks are Gentiles, Jews and Gentiles. And he makes one new man. And that new man individually is called Christian, little Christ. And that new organism, corporately is called The Church of Jesus Christ. And guess what the church is made up of all types of people in the cities, all types of ethnicities. That's what Revelation says, The Ultimate worship scene has people from all nations and tribes and tongues, and there's beauty and diversity and ethnos, right, ethnos This is not about this is not about not focusing on what makes us different. There's beauty in that. This is about focusing on the primary unit that unifies us. It's Jesus Christ and the pure gospel, and it's not race, and it's not race. Gotcha. So back to progressive Christianity, progressive Christianity will focus on these ideas about social justice.

Ethan hoover:

Let's go right into critical race theory. I'm going to read a definition. I don't know. I'll just read through this. This is from, which pulled it up here, critical race theory, and intellectual and social movement. That's interesting intellectual and social movement, and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biological grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings, but a socially constructed or culturally invented category that is used to oppress like we talked about, and exploit people of color. Critical Race theorists hold that racism is inherent in the law and legal institutions of the United States. Insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic and political inequalities between whites and non whites, especially African Americans. Critical Race theorists are generally dedicated to applying their understanding of the institutional or structural nature of racism, to the concrete goal of eliminating all race based and other unjust hierarchies.


Wow, that is a wow. So there's a lot there. Because first and foremost, every system that's in place, is made up of sinners. So I don't care what system when to talk about the judicial system, the political system, the social system, I mean, these are constructs Ethan that are made up of sinners, so anywhere, they're sinners, guess what? There's going to be sin, oppression, racism. biasness. Is that a word? But we'll go with it. I made it. You made that word. You anything? Yeah. And you make up plenty of inability. You can add ability to any word and Ness. So there's, obviously benefits to hate people. If there's sin in your heart. Yeah. Now, what critical race theory does as a worldview is it basically says we have to overthrow every system and build new systems in place. So there is a focus of people of color. And there is a unhealthy focus on the power structures, which sounds like we talked about a little bit earlier, which sounds like Marxism, what is Marxism? That's where that's where it's all headed. Right? So it's interesting that the Church of Jesus Christ in the name of it advancement and progression is actually championing political and philosophical philosophical ideology that led to the murder of millions of people. Ethan, Marxism is responsible for genocide. These ideas were talking about. They were prominent and prevalent, not packaged. The way we're talking about them right now, they were prominent and prevalent in Nazi Germany. That's what Hitler used race, class division. And if he could pit people against each other, he could throw off the entire social structure, right. And then he puts in place, a system that eventually leads to the murder of millions of Jews and Christians at that time. Basically, this is the point. And this is I don't want to get lost in a lot of the details and myths, why it matters for the Church of Jesus Christ. They are conflicting worldviews, we discovered that it's also its own type of religion. It's a hateful religion, to be honest with you, like the social justice movement, and the name of Jesus is a hateful religion. And you are always going to be the oppressor, you're always going to be guilty to white guilt, if you don't see it. That's what makes you a white supremacist. I was called a white supremacist recently, after I preached at a church, and somebody commented on, you know, the thread saying, You guys invited a white supremacist to your church. And I just kind of laugh because I clicked on the profile picture of the guy, and he's a white guy. So I kind of in my mind was like, you, you called me a white supremacist. And you said that as a white guy supremely like, like, but here's what I discovered about him. He works for an organization called be the bridge. And they're Christian. And their attempt at building bridges between races obviously focuses on race so much it causes division, and they can't see that. And because you call it out, your white supremacist, you're the racist, and I'm going, here's why that I'm not offended by that. Because I'm not a racist. Right? Yeah, right. I know, I'm a sinner, and I'm going to be prejudiced. I'm going to prejudge everyone. But God deals with my heart. And I think that is the heart of the pure gospel is that we would all come together and understand that it's Jesus Christ that unites us, if Jesus be lifted up, he draws all peoples plural ethnos to himself, it's Christ lifted up. It's not man's attempt at building bridges. Historically, our country's formation and foundation didn't get off to the best start right now, of course, the constitutional framework, which is probably going to come up during the political gospel conversation in a future episode, but there was racial tension. From the beginning, there was slavery, there was an ugly war called the Civil War, where the north and the south killed each other, all because of race. There was a time in our country's history where people of color were oppressed, truly, they couldn't vote truly, they couldn't drive on the same bus, they had to be separated, there was segregation that was all real, the Civil Rights Movement spearheaded by Martin Luther King, Jr. Which was Guess what? Supported by the church, and Christians of all colors came together and said, This is wrong. And they rallied, and they prayed. And they stood in the gap in the midst of oppression, and they were able to write the wrong. And the civil rights movement of the 60s, turned over a time in our country, where there's now equal rights in every direction. So what was the next target? It was women's rights. So went from like, people of colors rights. Now it's women's rights. Now, it's LGBTQ rights now. And like it, you just keep swinging the pendulum. And it's always good to be. And they say it's about individual rights. But it's always a group. It's always an effort of the majority, as opposed to focusing on again, the individual responsibility of each person, regardless of color. So talking about the social justice movement, we talked a lot about what that is, what is the social justice, justice movement? What does it look like? But what is the contrast of that? What's the opposite of that? Remember, it's the word woke, woke ism. Social justice is related to being woke Are you are you woke like, if you don't see it, you're the problem. And that narrative has crept into the church of Jesus Christ. So social justice, as previously defined, is again pitted against biblical justice. Biblical Justice says, If we all got what we deserved, we would get eternal damnation. So that's where you start. What is God's justice? Well, we all deserve death. And just one put himself in the position of that death, and took the fatal blow that sin causes and he became the justifier. So I understand justice from the biblical lens back to the biblical worldview. And when you see this social justice movement, again, here's the summary statement. Social Justice Well choose Barabbas over Jesus every single time. Barabbas was an insurrectionists. He was a criminal, but he was the one the crowd or the mob chose, they rallied. And of course, the one, Jesus biblical justice stood there, and he's the one that is looked over. He's the one that's missed in the process of social justice. Right now, people will try to push back with that analogy, but I'm going, No, let me tell you how this breaks down. Way back in 2020. This whole thing kicked off by the murder of George Floyd was that wrong? Absolutely. But notice how everybody grabbed a hold of race automatically the cop was racist. Why? Because the cop was white. And the individual George Floyd was black. So it became a race thing as opposed to a cop who improperly executed his right of law with force that was unreasonable. And we watched it on video. And, and that was the narrative as opposed to going wait a second, let's rewind the tape. He's held responsible as a law enforcement official to better conduct himself. So he was found guilty by the court of law that's justice, humanly speaking, biblical justice would say He better get right with Jesus. And I hope he does. George Floyd, he didn't deserve to die. Well hold on a second. We do not put the terms on who gets to live and who gets to die. Now again, saying something like that can get us in a lot of trouble right now. But I'm not worried about wondering why? Because nobody wants to talk about the fact that George Floyd was high on fentanyl. He was completely on drugs, committing a crime. Nobody was talking about that. Well, don't bring up his criminal past. It has nothing to do with his No, no, it has everything to do with it. It removes individual responsibility, all in the name of justice. And now he becomes this flagship, this movement, he becomes a martyr for their entire religion. And the church joins in on it. And we throw our fists in the air, we say black lives matter. And I go Yeah, the sentiment of Black Lives mattering. I agree with 1,000,000%. But the organization that propagated social justice, and progressivism, and called these different power structures inherently racist, I am completely against that. adamantly against it. Why? Because it's opposite of what the Bible calls justice. And there was a time when there were so many people cowering to this movement. Why? Because you get cancelled by social justice warriors, and you can get censored, and you can get Ooh, yeah. And it's like, canceled culture can cancel people but they can't cancel the gospel. And the gospel of Jesus Christ is what writes the hard and wrong hearts of men. It's what makes the heart righteous.

Ethan hoover:

It's so sad to also just saying you saying that out loud about canceled culture, like they were worried about being canceled. But you look back at the early church, and they were persecuted. Like being killed they probably viewed that the same way. The passers today view canceled culture has like this, like, I'm gonna die. And it's like, man, we haven't we know nothing about persecution, nothing. Our pastor should have boldness, regardless of canceled culture, like that's such a should be the boldest. Yeah, the boldest,


we have so much freedom. So why is this the problem of the church because the church was one of the voices that joined in on the social justice movement. And it was likely from progressive Christians, and then there became these clashes of ideals.

Ethan hoover:

So we've talked a lot about a lot with these doctrines of the progressive gospel. And it's great to know about these and what they stand for, so that we know kind of what to watch out for, as a believer, but I think it's even more important to know the true gospel and know that what the Word of God says, straight Bible. So we can have that hidden in our heart, and be viewing the progressive gospel and what we know about the progressive gospel through that biblical worldview lens. So Matt, hit us with that Bible.


Yeah, so oppression is real. Inequality is real. Racism is real. These are all sins that the Bible calls out the sin of partiality, the sin of injustice, the sin of hatred in our heart, the sin of even bearing false witness, the sin of, you know, believing false narratives. All of these are dealt with by the Holy Scriptures, and, of course, what God gave us to atone for sin. So without understanding the root of all of these causes, you're going to miss remedy it right so the misdiagnosis will lead to a miss. Remedy. So if the Bible speaks to oppression, what does the Bible say about out helping those who are marginalized or helping those who are, perhaps, in oppressive situations or helping those who are experiencing inequality. We come alongside of them. Absolutely. The Bible talks about doing justly, right. So do justice, do integrity is the word, do what's right. Like, nobody has to tell the true Christian to do the right thing. If somebody around them regardless of their color is hurting or struggling or suffering, we come alongside of them, and we help them that's the good Samaritan. Now, it's funny, I bring up the Good Samaritan. That was a parable Jesus told about, hey, who's your neighbor, and he tells the story about racism. He talks about the Samaritan and the Jew, and they hated each other. And guess who's the hero of the story? Well, the Jews always looked at the Samaritans as if they were the scum of the earth. Jesus makes the Samaritan, the hero. But the whole story isn't about just two guys, one beaten, and the religious class walks past him and the social class or the Levite walks past him. And the Samaritan, gets off his his donkey and helps him and takes him to the end. That whole parable is pointing to who's your neighbor? You know the answer. Everyone's your neighbor. Who do you show mercy to everyone. And if you believe like, in the last episode, we talked about the seven pillars of a biblical worldview. Number two, being we were created, right in God's image is that the second pillar, one of the pillars, or one of the pillars,

Ethan hoover:

was that we are created in God's image that goes for each and every human. And so if we see people through the lens of a biblical worldview, will see them as humans as creations that God has created. And so if we see him that way, like you said, of course, we're supposed to come alongside


aid assist, feed the boar, clothe the naked, like these are all social justice verses they go see, we should all be doing, like, yeah, every true Christian does that. But don't miss the point. The point is the soul of each individual, and biblical justice is being willing to be a voice of truth, and the midst of a culture that is built on lies. Yeah, so don't get bullied into what the world says is just That's right. stand boldly, for what you know, is what justice is historically. That's right. So we stand up for those that are oppressed, we stand up for the marginalized, we stand up for those who are experiencing some type of inequality, we should be the voice of reason through it all. But we also know that it's always a sin issue. It's a heart problem. And we introduce people to the only one who can break down these walls, his name is Jesus Christ. And that's what the church is built upon. The church is built upon all of these walls and barriers being broken down by Jesus. And that's where we start. So that's what a biblical worldview says, doesn't mean I avoid or ignore or turn a blind eye to when things are wrong off. But again, in the case of all of the, the martyrs of the social justice movement, many of them they weren't living exemplary lives, Ethan. And again, I'm not I'm a criminal. Like the host of this podcast, I have a convicted felony on my jacket we call it does not come up in the background check. I think it's, I think it came up in the welcome episode. Oh, background check that show like, don't miss it. I'm not saying we all have pasts. We all have baggage, we all have histories. The point is, these examples that they held up, as, you know, martyrs for the movement, they were all in the process of committing crimes, almost all of them. And then the police show up and something terrible happens, which again, you put the microscope on them say hey, you can do that better. But not everything's racist. voti Baucom is one of my favorite pastors and preachers, maybe will include some of his sermons that have framed and shaped my theology based on social justice in the show notes as well.

Ethan hoover:

So we have a couple more doctrines to go over as well, there's so many. But I think the main two that we really want to hit before we close out this episode is climate change, or environmentalism, or what you said is the love of Mother Earth rather than the love of Father God. Right. So what what is that


that is basically replacing the creator with creation. Now, as Christians, we should always steward Well, everything around us that would include the Earth. However, there's an obsession these days, especially from progressive Christianity, to make sure that we are saving the planet decades ago was global cooling. Recently, it's global warming like which one is it? It's whichever one they can use to have a political accomplish meant or it's whatever one they could leverage to have the most impact in progressivism like, hey man, do you care for Mother Earth? It's like, Wait, what about Father God? I know Romans Chapter One says this is exactly what a reprobate mind does they replace the creator for the creation. And then we sacrifice on these altars. And of course, environmentalism is going to be part of the end program, when I'm being my that as I believe it's going to be a combination of what we said, Last episode, one world religion, mixed with one world economy. How do you get there? Well, we all focus on the idea of preserving the earth because this is all we have. And again, it's a mindset that focuses on the world and the earth. And what is temporal over the Bible tells us to focus on what is eternal. Yeah. And set your mind on things above. That's Colossians. And the world doesn't the world does that. But it's made its way into Christianity, progressive Christianity, because the world doesn't have hope. The progressive gospel is basically heralding that Gospel of no hope, where it's like, this is all we've got. Hold on. And you're like, wait a second, what?

Ethan hoover:

What is going on? And so we talked about I forget which episode it was, maybe it was this episode. We talked about general revelation and specific revelation, I think it was last episode. And general revelation is creation, right? So the scripture says that all can can all know that there's a God, just from creation. You look around if and you see what is made. There is a God. That's right. And so as believers, this vein of recharged this podcast about being recharged if you're a believer, that's how we're supposed to see creation as God's general revelation to us to look around and go, it leads back to God. That's right. Wow,


God, thank you for creating this world. Not thanks, world. This is my God. That's good. That's so far out. I've written I've been learning Romans one. For since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse without excuse humanity, because although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were they thankful, but became futile in their thoughts. And their foolish hearts were darkened, Professing to be wise, right, this green New Deal, this billion or trillion dollar deal that is trying to be forced down the people's throat, basically, in the name of let's protect the environment. And of course, it's a religion. It is literally a religion that does what Roman says, ready. Therefore, God gave them over to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed. forever. Amen. So you have pretty much the trajectory of progressive Christianity in Romans chapter one. Is that, yep, God going all right. About It, have at it, make that your primary focus. And again, I heard it once said that, whether or not it's real, right, climate change whether or not it's real, God controls it. And the Bible that I read tells me at the end of all of this, there's going to be a new heaven and a new earth, and then someone pushed back. And so does that mean, we shouldn't care about, you know, planet Earth. I'm like, no, no, steward it? Well, just as I said earlier, real Christians and true Christians, they're going to help everybody in spite of color, they're going to do the next righteous thing. We're going to do justly. We're going to love mercy. And we're going to walk humbly with our God. We're also going to steward wealth creation around us the possessions God has given us. Are you saying you don't care about carbon emissions? I didn't say that at all. Hey, man, if you want to get an electric car, go for it. But at the end of the day, what really matters is the soul of man and the true gospel, never loses sight of that. That's why having a biblical worldview as it pertains to identifying the errors of the progressive gospel is so imperative, it's so crucial. So that was a lot Ethan, as a way to recap, and again, I could probably talk endlessly about some of these themes as they pertain to biblical truth mattering and the importance of knowing what the Bible says in relation to what's happening in our world. And if you don't know why all of this stuff is happening. You won't have the means to address them or the perception to see them. And I think that's because the way the world's going progressive Christianity, like I said before, is going to be one of the legs that upholds this one world system. Progressive Christianity basically, is built upon the substance of, you know, we're in this together, love your neighbor, let's build back better, let's make society better. Let's look out and see how we can reform and restructure and overthrow systems that are wrong. And, and like all of that is in the name of human rights. And of course, the church should care about human rights. And the reason why Social Justice flies in the face of biblical justice, is because social justice makes man the chief aim of redemption like it's man, man can right the wrong of man. And let's focus on it. And obviously, it's the wrong focus. Biblical justice is God is the only one that can write any wrong, and we should never lose sight of that. Because being recharged is going wait at the end of the day. It's the true Church of Jesus Christ that has the only antidote to the sin sick soul. It's the Church of Jesus Christ that has the message of gospel, truth and hope. And it's the Church of Jesus Christ, especially in our current context, that stands as the beacon of light, hope and truth. In a dark world. Progressive Christianity will jump on the bandwagon of social justice, and they will jump on the bandwagon of political correctness, they will affirm as opposed to call out and sin, they are pushing people closer to hell, when the church should be those that rescue souls from hell. That's why this matters.

Ethan hoover:

That's really good man. Well, great way to recap and laying the plane on today's episode. Next episode, we're going to continue talking about the progressive gospel that is, right, folks, three episodes dedicated to the progressive gospel, why this,


it's important. And the third episode is going to be pretty sensitive, like this one, but I think a little bit more. So we have to handle it with extreme care, extreme care. And that's going to deal with what I believe is an agenda. And it's the LGBT Q agenda, and how the church has affirmed that agenda. And obviously, it's always in the name of human rights or individuals. And I'm going no, it's bigger than that. If you want to focus on individuals, let's focus on individuals. But don't put an entire group together. And obviously, in the name of sexuality, that's really what it's about, trying to say you deserve additional rights. And then point out the fact that when somebody holds to absolute truth, that they're a hater, or they're a sexist, or they're a bigot. And it's not necessarily hate speech, as they call it, it's just speech that they hate. And that is why it matters to the church. It's really

Ethan hoover:

good. Well, thank you for joining us for this episode of recharged, make sure to subscribe and turn notifications on. Sometimes it's a bell icon you just got to tap. And you'll be notified when another episode goes live. Be sure to share the podcast on Facebook or your Instagram story using the hashtag recharged. And submit your questions for season one for our q&a episode. That is happening at the end of season one. What is a q&a episode? It's a question and response episode. So if you have a question about season one, about any of the episodes that we've already done, please submit your question we are going to try to hit as many questions as possible in that episode. You can submit them by going to recharged


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Ethan hoover:

you can visit recharge That about wraps this episode up guys. We'll see you in the next one. Thank you for listening. God bless

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