Rechurched podcast is meant to inspire conscience and instigate conviction, so people may know God and show God. In a day and age where the Church has been commercialized, the Christian secularized, and the cross sanitized, it’s time to return to a biblical faith that knows our life is to be crucified. The Apostle Paul said, “For I have determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (I Corinthians 2:2). Rechurched builds upon the time-tested and true brick and mortar of the Bible by calling the nominal Christian back to their faith’s foundation. Too many people are just going to church but have never experienced the transforming power of being the Church. So join us as we not only start the conversation about the identity crisis, but we end the conversation where Christ is, period.
The Splinter of Islam & a Church Split - Church Then & Now E12
Landmark Church
Season 2
Episode 12
As Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher continue their thread on the "Church Then & Now", this episode looks at the start and rise of Islam and the Great Schism, which is known as the first big church split.
Show Notes:
- Intro
- What is this new religion? (Islam)
- Who is Muhammad?
- What does Revelation & Galatians say about adding or subtracting from the Scripture?
- Islam
- Muhammad hears a revelation from the angel Gabrielle
- Monotheistic (similar to Christianity and the Jewish beliefs)
- Base their beliefs on their Arab lineage that goes back to Abraham
- But not Isaac (the blessed lineage), they are from Ishmael
- Islam means “submission”
- Muslim means “one who submits”
- There are extremists in every religion
- Isaac Vs. Ishmael
- Starts with Abraham, ends with Islam not accepting Jesus: that’s the problem with it
- Bottom line: It’s a false religion
- The 5 pillars of Islam
- Copy paste from every man-made religion: works based
- The caliphates (Muslim rulers)
- How they expanded Islam through conquest
- The Great Schism
- What was it and why did it happen?
- Excommunication between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church
- They are different, yet similar
- Perpetual virginity & other beliefs
- The Nation of Islam vs the religion of Islam
- Who Was Muhammad? https://www.gotquestions.org/who-was-Muhammad.html
- What Is Islam, And What Do Muslims Believe? https://www.gotquestions.org/Islam.html
- What Is the Qur'an? https://www.gotquestions.org/what-is-the-Quran.html
- Why Do Jews And Arabs / Muslims Hate Each Other? https://www.gotquestions.org/Jews-Arabs.html
- What Is The Difference Between Christianity And Islam? https://www.gotquestions.org/difference-Christianity-Islam.html
- East & West Schism: https://www.britannica.com/event/East-West-Schism-1054
- The Growth & Spread of Islam: https://www.studentsofhistory.com/the-growth-pread-of-islam
- The Rise of Islmanic Empires & States: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-history/medieval-times/spread-of-islam/a/the-rise-of-islamic-empires-and-states
- Great Schism: https://study.com/learn/lesson/great-schism-1054.html
- Great Schism Educational: https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/great-schism
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