
The Fuel & Fire of the Protestant Reformation - Church Then & Now E14

Coastal Christian Ocean City Season 2 Episode 14

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Ethan & Matthew finally make their way to the Protestant Reformation. As they explore this monumental moment in Christian & Church history, they discuss denominations, the 95 Theses, and several of the key people that arose during this time.

Show Notes:

  • Intro
  • Recap on the last episode about reformation during the Dark Ages
  • Why was it called the “Protestant” Reformation?
    • They were protesting unbiblical teachings from the Catholic Church
  • Who was this guy Martin Luther?
  • What are the 95 Theses that Martin Luther nailed to the door of the church?
  • Why were the 95 Theses the trigger for the reformation as we know it?
    • The combination of it being translated into the common language & the invention of the printing press
  • While Martin Luther was in Germany doing his thing, William Tyndale is shaking things up in England
  • Mindblowing connection of how the Protestant Reformation influenced the future of our country and expansion of Christianity
  • Original Protestant denominations
    • Lutheran Church (Martin Luther)
    • Reformed Church (John Calvin)
    • Presbyterian Church (John Knox)
    • Anglican Church (English reformers)
  • The 5 Solas (Alone, “this alone”)
    • Sola Scriptura: Scripture Alone
    • Sola Gratia: Grace Alone
    • Sola Fide: Faith Alone
    • Sola Christus: Christ Alone
    • Soli Deo Gloria: To God’s Glory Alone
  • The danger of putting too much stock in a denominations beliefs rather than just plain Bible.
  • “We don’t get to heaven by following Calvin, but only by following Jesus.”


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