Rechurched podcast is meant to inspire conscience and instigate conviction, so people may know God and show God. In a day and age where the Church has been commercialized, the Christian secularized, and the cross sanitized, it’s time to return to a biblical faith that knows our life is to be crucified. The Apostle Paul said, “For I have determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (I Corinthians 2:2). Rechurched builds upon the time-tested and true brick and mortar of the Bible by calling the nominal Christian back to their faith’s foundation. Too many people are just going to church but have never experienced the transforming power of being the Church. So join us as we not only start the conversation about the identity crisis, but we end the conversation where Christ is, period.
John Vs. Jake: An Age-old Debate (Calvinism Vs. Arminianism) - Church Then & Now E15
Landmark Church
Season 2
Episode 15
Ever wondered what a 5-point Calvin believes? How about an Arminian? Well, in this episode, Matthew Maher and Ethan Hoover break the two down side-by-side and answer the main question: What does Scripture say?
Show Notes:
- Happy New Year!
- Intro
- Brief recap
- John Calvin & Jakobus Ariminius
- “Reason can be great for theology but terrible for the Church sometimes.”
- Calvinism & Arminianism = systems of theology
- Meaning they attempt to explain the unexplainable
- They shouldn’t define our Christianity, but they can help give us a framework to think about big theological points
- Calvinisim: TULIP
- Arminianism: PCURC (not a real acronym lol)
- Total Depravity vs Partial Depravity
- Unconditional Election vs Conditional Election
- Ethan’s unique analogies:
- Snow globe
- Driving a car
- God’s sovereignty
- Preferred will
- Permissive will
- Providential will
- Ethan’s unique analogies:
- Limited Atonement vs Unlimited Atonement (the most controversial point)
- Bonus: Rabbit trail into Hinduism “holy cow”
- Irresistible Grace vs Resistible Grace
- Perseverance of the Saints vs Conditional Salvation
- Outro
- Calvinism Vs. Amrinianism- Which View? https://www.gotquestions.org/Calvinism-vs-Arminianism.html
- What Is Calvinism And Is It Biblical? https://www.gotquestions.org/calvinism.html
- What Is Arminianism And Is It Biblical? https://www.gotquestions.org/arminianism.html
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