Rechurched podcast is meant to inspire conscience and instigate conviction, so people may know God and show God. In a day and age where the Church has been commercialized, the Christian secularized, and the cross sanitized, it’s time to return to a biblical faith that knows our life is to be crucified. The Apostle Paul said, “For I have determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (I Corinthians 2:2). Rechurched builds upon the time-tested and true brick and mortar of the Bible by calling the nominal Christian back to their faith’s foundation. Too many people are just going to church but have never experienced the transforming power of being the Church. So join us as we not only start the conversation about the identity crisis, but we end the conversation where Christ is, period.
The Age of Reason and Revival: Waking Up To The Great Awakenings - Church Then & Now E16
Landmark Church
Season 2
Episode 16
Join the conversation about how the Age of Reason led to the need for revival. Ethan Hoover & Matthew Maher discuss the impact of "reason", revivalism, and the difference between the two Great Awakenings.
Show Notes:
- Intro
- Church, podcast, & life update
- Brief recap on last episode
- John Vs. Jake: The Age-Old Debate
- The Age of Enlightenment (The Age of Reason)
- The separation of mind & feelings
- Rationalism (Mind) Vs. Emotionalism (Feelings)
- René Decartes
- John Locke
- Immanuel Kantt
- Gnosticism at play again (just under a different guise)
- The danger of intellectualism is that we can grow in knowledge but forget the source of all knowledge (God)
- Faith & filters
- God gave us the ability to discover & think
- “If you don’t have the Holy Spirit illuminating truth, you will end up being a very smart fool.”
- What was the impact of the Age of Enlightenment on religion/Christianity?
- Anti-supernaturalism
- Deism
- God, the clockmaker
- Biblical Criticism
- Why did we need a revival?
- We needed to come back to the Word of God, which brings the mind of man and the emotions of man together
- The Age of Reason transitions to the Age of Revivalism
- The First & Second Great Awakenings
- The First Great Awakening
- A Calvinistic framework
- Calvinists believe in predestination
- Sermons were preached and let it rest
- The Second Great Awakening
- An Arminianism framework
- Altar calls
- Arminian’s believe “you’ve got to do the work”
- Asbury Revival
- Is it the third great awakening?
- Time will tell
- Is it the third great awakening?
- “Society will reap the benefits of the fruit of repentance.”
- The Age of Reason & the Age of Revival led to the American Revolution
- John Locke played an influential part in our Founding Father’s thought process and approach to how the United States of America was formed
- Outro
- What Was The Enlightenment, And What Impact Did It Have On Christianity? https://www.gotquestions.org/Enlightenment-Christianity.html
- How Should A Christian View Rationalism vs. Empiricism? https://www.gotquestions.org/rationalism-vs-empiricism.html
- What Was The First Great Awakening? What Was The Second Great Awakening? https://www.gotquestions.org/First-Second-Great-Awakening.html
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