Rechurched podcast is meant to inspire conscience and instigate conviction, so people may know God and show God. In a day and age where the Church has been commercialized, the Christian secularized, and the cross sanitized, it’s time to return to a biblical faith that knows our life is to be crucified. The Apostle Paul said, “For I have determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (I Corinthians 2:2). Rechurched builds upon the time-tested and true brick and mortar of the Bible by calling the nominal Christian back to their faith’s foundation. Too many people are just going to church but have never experienced the transforming power of being the Church. So join us as we not only start the conversation about the identity crisis, but we end the conversation where Christ is, period.
Season 2 Review + Question & Response - Church Then & Now E19
Landmark Church
Season 2
Episode 19
For the final episode of Season 2, Matthew & Ethan review this season by touching on the many different time periods they discussed throughout the past 18 episodes. Then, they finish this season off with a question & response segment. Join the conversation!
Show Notes:
- Intro
- Shoutout to Michael
- Reviewing Season 2
- The inception of the Church
- Early Church
- Doctrine, Scripture, & Canonization
- False teachings & Gnosticism
- The enemy’s strategy changes
- The Roman Catholic Church
- Mmelting pot of other beliefs masked as “Christianity”
- The start of the State church
- What was the true church doing?
- Centralization of scripture
- The Dark Ages
- The OG Protestants
- The many unnamed and unrecognized people who protested the Roman Catholic Church before the Protestant reformation are about
- The OG Protestants
- Protestant Reformation
- Key invention: Printing press
- Key person: Martin Luther
- Decentralization of Scripture
- Theology & doctrine was reformed
- Denominations arise
- John Calvin & Jakobus Ariminius
- The Age of Reason & Revival
- Decentralization of information leads to individualism
- The Great Awakenings (there are 2)
- Present Day Church (1900’s-today)
- Billy Graham
- Civil Rights Movement
- Jesus Movement
- Complacency (American) vs Persecution (Global)
- Bottom line:
- There is a difference between the visible and invisible church.
- There is a difference between the historical church and the biblical church.
- How do you close the gap between the two?
- Spend time with Jesus
- Study His Word
- Know the truth so you can spot the lies.
- How can we apply what we learned this season to our daily lives? And how can we guard against complacency?
- Know your (spiritual) family tree. Know what family that you’ve been grafted into.
- Question & Response:
- Joanne asks:
- I had both of my children baptized in the Roman Catholic church as babies. Knowing what I now know about the Roman Catholic church should I get them baptized again?
- Another question not pertaining to this season of the podcast....Was John the Baptist Elijah? He said he was not in John but Jesus seemed to say he was?
- PJ asks:
- In the end of the introduction you address speaking in tongues and the biblical reason of why the Lord allowed that to happen. First of all, I say that I completely agree with you guys on this view, but my question is why do individuals claim to speak in tongues?
- Joanne asks:
- We’re taking a brief undetermined break until season 3!
- In the meantime, share this podcast.
- If His Name Was Yeshua, Why Do We Call Him Jesus? https://www.gotquestions.org/Yeshua-Jesus.html
- Was John The Baptist Really Elijah Reincarnated? https://www.gotquestions.org/John-Baptist-Elijah.html
- What's Up With Tongues?
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