
Season 2 Review + Question & Response - Church Then & Now E19

Landmark Church Season 2 Episode 19

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For the final episode of Season 2, Matthew & Ethan review this season by touching on the many different time periods they discussed throughout the past 18 episodes. Then, they finish this season off with a question & response segment. Join the conversation!

Show Notes: 

  • Intro
  • Shoutout to Michael
  • Reviewing Season 2
    • The inception of the Church
    • Early Church
      • Doctrine, Scripture, & Canonization
      • False teachings & Gnosticism
      • The enemy’s strategy changes
    • The Roman Catholic Church
      • Mmelting pot of other beliefs masked as “Christianity”
      • The start of the State church
      • What was the true church doing?
      • Centralization of scripture
    • The Dark Ages
      • The OG Protestants
        • The many unnamed and unrecognized people who protested the Roman Catholic Church before the Protestant reformation are about
    • Protestant Reformation
      • Key invention: Printing press
      • Key person: Martin Luther
      • Decentralization of Scripture
      • Theology & doctrine was reformed
      • Denominations arise
      • John Calvin & Jakobus Ariminius
    • The Age of Reason & Revival
      • Decentralization of information leads to individualism
      • The Great Awakenings (there are 2)
    • Present Day Church (1900’s-today)
      • Billy Graham
      • Civil Rights Movement
      • Jesus Movement
    • Complacency (American) vs Persecution (Global)
    • Bottom line:
      • There is a difference between the visible and invisible church.
      • There is a difference between the historical church and the biblical church.
    • How do you close the gap between the two?
      • Spend time with Jesus
      • Study His Word
      • Know the truth so you can spot the lies.
    • How can we apply what we learned this season to our daily lives? And how can we guard against complacency?
      • Know your (spiritual) family tree. Know what family that you’ve been grafted into.
  • Question & Response:
    • Joanne asks:
      • I had both of my children baptized in the Roman Catholic church as babies.  Knowing what I now know about the Roman Catholic church should I get them baptized again?
      • Another question not pertaining to this season of the podcast....Was John the Baptist Elijah? He said he was not in John but Jesus seemed to say he was?
    • PJ asks:
      • In the end of the introduction you address speaking in tongues and the biblical reason of why the Lord allowed that to happen. First of all, I say that I completely agree with you guys on this view, but my question is why do individuals claim to speak in tongues?
  • We’re taking a brief undetermined break until season 3!
    • In the meantime, share this podcast.


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